

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Part 2

For a long time I didn’t really tell anyone about my relationship to Maria Woodworth Etter.. The reason I didn’t share about being related to her was because I saw how prideful some of the family members had become and I didn't want to be like that. I really didn't even start read her book until 5 years ago! In 2011 I bought our core group of people from my church a copy of Mother Etter’s Signs and Wonders book. This was right before I invited Becca Greenwood. During that visit I also gave Becca a copy of the book.

I’ve been blessed ever since I got saved, in believing all of God’s Word, in healing, and all the promises of God. That’s why I guess I had to leave that first church, because I believe that it’s all for today. And as a side note, I haven’t been to a doctor since receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Praise His name, Jesus! But it’s sad in a way that our family history wasn’t handed down to us, my grandpa Rupert, my mom’s dad died in 1963 when he was 53, I was 3. Maria was his great grandmother. My mom died when she was only 50 years old. However, I have been sharing with my three kids about their great… grandmother, so they can draw from their inheritance.

In May, 2013 the Lord had me start a Facebook page all about Maria Woodworth Etter to tell the old, old stories and stir up faith to believe again that God wants to do GREAT signs and wonders today! Every day I post on here stories of her life. Since doing that I’ve learned so much and have had the chance to go around different churches and share about her.

God wants so much in these last days, a people that he can use like Maria, Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, etc... But he wants a many of Maria’s, many of Smith’s, many John’s, many, of you with that type of anointing and greater, an end time army to do the greater works. It’s coming, a mighty visitation from God once again, get us ready Lord!

Check out the facebook page dedicated to Mother Etter at www.facebook.com/mb.woodworth.etter